- A 1 - Add a visitor
- A 2 - Add a visitor using the search assistance tool
- A 3 - Add an appointment
- A 4 - Find appointments of a visitor
- A 5 - Delete an appointment
- A 6 - Take a half day off
- A 7 - Take a week off
- A 8 - See the weekly view
- A 9 - Access to the list view (and print it)
- A 10 - Log out
- B 1 - Change display details
- B 2 - Reschedule an appointment
- B 3 - Duplicate an appointment
- B 4 - Merge a visitor who has been double encoded
- B 5 - Have more than one visitor in a unique appointment
- B 6 - Use the waiting list
- B 7 - Track who has inserted/changed an appointment
- B 8 - Track who has deleted an appointment
- B 9 - Move an appointments to another calendar
- C 1 - Change the start and end work time of a day
- C 2 - Insert/delete a break in a work day
- C 3 - Close/open a week day
- C 4 - Change the hourly schedule from a specific date
- C 5 - Adjust the time range for one day
- C 6 - Insert an exceptional hourly schedule
- C 7 - Change the colors of the hourly tabs
- C 8 - Set up an hourly that rotates over 2 weeks or more
- C 9 - Share the same hourly schedule with other colleagues
- C 10 - I work in several locations
- C 11 - Using block and out of block time management concept
- D 1 - Expand the planning hours span
- D 2 - Create a custom color for special appointments
- D 3 - Create custom colors for holidays and off days
- D 4 - Create a custom color to identify certain visitors
- D 5 - Change the appointments stickers' color
- D 6 - Put tags or qualify visitors
- D 7 - Define recurrent performances (e.g. usual cares)
- D 8 - How to give access to a new colleague
- D 9 - Change a password
- D 10 - Set callendars visibility
- D 11 - Change the SMS message
- D 12 - Change the timing of the automated sending
- D 13 - Change the text of automated emails
- D 14 - Send SMS in the visitor's language
- E 1 - Set up your own booking web page
- E 2 - Make a subset of your performances to be web-reservable
- E 3 - Allow web reservations in certain time slots
- E 4 - Give a special color or pattern to appointments taken online